Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Tackling the Tricky bits of Shostakovich's March

Dear students,

While this March starts off relatively simple, the centre section and the ending can be daunting. I have helped you identify the notes and fingering in the following pictures. Hopefully, this will encourage you to figure out the piece better.

Happy practicing!

Your teacher,

Here is a version with a practice session in the second half of the video. Try it!


Shostakovich March


Sunday, 9 June 2013

Mastering a New Piece of Music in Six Easy Steps - Sailor Song

Dear students,

I have produced six short videos for you to learn how to master a new piece of music. I have used Swinstead's Sailor Song as an example. Practice each video until you can get the music right 3 times in a row! When you have completed all six, write a note in the comments. That will encourage me to produce more videos for you!!

Best regards,
Teacher Lena

1 Code Blue - War Dance

2 Code Orange - Treacherous Waters

3 Code Green - Battle with the Deep Sea Monster

4 Code Purple -  Victory!

5 Code Yellow - Did I really kill the Monster?

6 Code Maroon - Celebration Dance!!

Here is a video that contains a practice version of Swinstead Sailor's Song. Enjoy it!


Friday, 7 June 2013

Win Prizes for Sight-reading contest - part 1!

Dear students,

Our sight-reading contest begins on Monday 10 June! Prizes to be won include:

1. First to complete 5 levels - $10 music money
2. Second to complete - $5 music money
3. Those who complete before 30 June - $10 music money
4. Those who complete after 30 June but before 15 July - $5 music money

1. Go to tab under videos for grade 1
2. Scroll down to sight-reading section some where in the middle
3. There are 5 levels to complete
4. Each time you complete ONE level, post a comment like this- "Mary has completed level 1 (or2,3 4)" . Change Mary to your name.
5. During the next lesson, I will choose one from that level for you to play by sight. If you play well (fewer than 2 mistakes, you qualify for next level).

Have a go at it!

All the best from
Teacher Lena