Thursday, 15 August 2013

10 Non-Musical Skills that Children Can Learn from Piano Lessons

Lisa Phillips has an excellent article on the ARTSblogidentifying The Top 10 Skills Children Learn from the Arts:

  1. Creativity
  2. Confidence
  3. Problem Solving
  4. Perseverance
  5. Focus
  6. Non-Verbal Communication
  7. Receiving Constructive Feedback
  8. Collaboration

  1. Dedication
  2. Accountability

Other inspiring posts on the benefits of learning how to play the piano:

Friday, 9 August 2013

Grand piano & other Resources

I am really blessed with a grand piano a Yamaha C2 with a very beautiful tone. I have enjoyed playing and making music on it over the past few years. 

However , students or anyone who wants to make music on it are required to wash their hands first so as to minimise contamination in case of hand, foot mouth or other diseases.  Students also need to keep their finger nails short if they want to sink their fingers in it 

In addition, I have a digital piano - a Yamaha DGX 630. This is a very useful teaching and learning tool. It has a metronome, provides so many accompanying styles and different voices and percussion instruments. Best of all it can record either my playing to help students learn better as well as record student playing so that I can play back and tell them how their playing can be improved. 

Thank God for these lovely gifts!

Monday, 5 August 2013

Simply Das Ballet

As requested by my dear students, I am posting the following to speed up their learning on Turk's Das Ballet.

Happy Learning!
Teacher Lena

Friday, 26 July 2013


How important it is to have the sense of curiosity and and abundant dose of wonderment in exploring beautiful music on our instrument - the piano!  What blessing to create and recreate beautiful music everyday of our lives!!

Our Daily Treasures

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

How Can I Help My Child Be Successful in Piano Lessons?

Successful piano lessons require a “triangle” effort made up of parent, teacher and student.
1.  Provide a good in-tune home instrument. Without a way to properly practice at home, your child will feel inadequate come lesson time and will rapidly lose motivation and interest.
2.  Attend lessons regularly with all needed materials and a well-rested child - Regular attendance ensures that your child progresses.  Progression leads to feelings of self-confidence and achievement.  Piano students need their books/ materials at every lesson.  Keep books organised at home and teach your child learn to be responsible for their materials.
Children learn best when they are well-rested (watch out for “extracurricular over-load”) and when they are healthy.  Sick piano kids don’t retain very much… and result in sick piano teachers!
3.  Establish a consistent and daily practice routine - Choose a specific time of day that works for your family (after dinner, after the bath etc.) and make piano practice a regular and consistent event every single day.  Avoid times that are rushed, remove distractions (like the TV or smaller siblings) and offer encouragement and/or help with piano practice.
4.  Be Positive… provide constant encouragement - Comment often on your child’s progress.  Remember the names of the pieces they are working on and make requests as you go about your day to encourage regular visits to the piano.  Show your pride by sharing videos, photos or musical phone calls with friends and family.  Help your child to identify themselves as a “pianist”.
5.  Stay involved!  Show that you value music by providing live-music opportunities, encouraging your child’s participation in recitals and performances and being a part of their daily practice in some way (even if it’s only as a happy listener). 

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

The Magic Shop

The Magic Shop is opened from Friday 26 July to 5 August.

 Students may redeem their gifts using their music money that they have earned.

Have fun!

Teacher Lena!

Thursday, 18 July 2013

A Budding Pianist's focused attempt on music-making


The Little Things in Life

These are the little things in life that make a teacher's day! They will keep me smiling for a very long time ....

Thank you Megan & Lin Hui!!!

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Tackling the Tricky bits of Shostakovich's March

Dear students,

While this March starts off relatively simple, the centre section and the ending can be daunting. I have helped you identify the notes and fingering in the following pictures. Hopefully, this will encourage you to figure out the piece better.

Happy practicing!

Your teacher,

Here is a version with a practice session in the second half of the video. Try it!


Shostakovich March


Sunday, 9 June 2013

Mastering a New Piece of Music in Six Easy Steps - Sailor Song

Dear students,

I have produced six short videos for you to learn how to master a new piece of music. I have used Swinstead's Sailor Song as an example. Practice each video until you can get the music right 3 times in a row! When you have completed all six, write a note in the comments. That will encourage me to produce more videos for you!!

Best regards,
Teacher Lena

1 Code Blue - War Dance

2 Code Orange - Treacherous Waters

3 Code Green - Battle with the Deep Sea Monster

4 Code Purple -  Victory!

5 Code Yellow - Did I really kill the Monster?

6 Code Maroon - Celebration Dance!!

Here is a video that contains a practice version of Swinstead Sailor's Song. Enjoy it!


Friday, 7 June 2013

Win Prizes for Sight-reading contest - part 1!

Dear students,

Our sight-reading contest begins on Monday 10 June! Prizes to be won include:

1. First to complete 5 levels - $10 music money
2. Second to complete - $5 music money
3. Those who complete before 30 June - $10 music money
4. Those who complete after 30 June but before 15 July - $5 music money

1. Go to tab under videos for grade 1
2. Scroll down to sight-reading section some where in the middle
3. There are 5 levels to complete
4. Each time you complete ONE level, post a comment like this- "Mary has completed level 1 (or2,3 4)" . Change Mary to your name.
5. During the next lesson, I will choose one from that level for you to play by sight. If you play well (fewer than 2 mistakes, you qualify for next level).

Have a go at it!

All the best from
Teacher Lena

Friday, 31 May 2013

New Rhythm Games for you to try!

Dear students (and interested parents),

I have prepared 2 rhythm games for you to try out. Just click on the videos to have fun! Send me a post if you have tried and let me know if you enjoy them!

Best Regards,

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Heavenly Voices

Heavenly voices accompanied by a fantastic pipe organ!

Rocking Chair

Posted several videos to help students enjoy their sight-reading! These can be found under the tab Videos Grade 1. Each video is a guide to better sight-reading skills. Here is one them.

For iPad and iPhone users, links to Youtube are provided below the titles.
For example, link for the above video is here :


Thursday, 7 March 2013

Piano Videos

Videos to help my students learn better:

Russian Sailor's Dance

AB 2013/14 Grade 1 Sailor's Song by Swinstead
Here's a link to 

AB 2013/14 Grade 3 German Dance in A by Schubert